Tax time can be stressful and time consuming.
And, often means a lot of paperwork, too, but you can reduce some of the stress by going paperless with your tax documents.
Receive your First Bank tax documents (i.e. 1098, 1099-R, 1099-INT, etc.) electronically by enrolling in Documents inside in your My First Bank Mobile App and First Bank Online Banking.
Benefits of Paperless Tax Documents
- Convenient. Receive an alert when your documents are available.
- Fast. Available online days sooner than paper documents.
- Secure. Eliminates the risk of documents being lost or stolen in the mail.
- Eco-friendly. Good for the environment by conserving paper resources.
- Complimentary. No charge for electronic tax documents.
How to Enroll in Paperless Tax Documents
Not enrolled in the My First Bank Mobile App and First Bank Online Banking? Visit our Digital Banking Enrollment page to get started.

Once you’re set up, be sure to download the My First Bank Mobile App – you’ll love it! Once downloaded from the App Store or Google Play, simply log in using your established Online Banking user ID and password. If you're reading this on a desktop, scan the QR code with your mobile device to download the app.
Then, follow these steps below to elect paperless tax documents whether you’re using your My First Bank Mobile App or First Bank Online Banking.
1. Log in.
- In Online Banking, select your name, then Account Settings.
- In the Mobile App, click on the three stacked lines at the top left-hand corner of the screen instead, select your name, then choose Settings.
2. Select the account you wish to enroll.
3. Under Documents, select Advanced Settings.
4. Click Sign Up/Changes.
5. Add a checkmark next to Enroll All Available Accounts and Document Types Shown to go totally paperless – this is our recommendation for quicker, safer delivery of your documents! Or you may individually choose just the tax documents you wish to enroll.
6. Click Save Settings.

Need help or have questions?
Start a chat with us through Support in your My First Bank Mobile App or First Bank Online Banking, email us, or call 1-800-538-3979.